PUBLISH ON 20th March 2020
Perth, 19th March 2020
In early March, the established WA’s e-waste recycler commenced delivering a series of ten (10) workshops aimed at educating the youth about the growing importance of correct dealing with expired electronics.
Total Green Recycling (TGR) has been awarded a grant from the WA Waste Authority to run a set of e-educational workshops for schools around Perth.
“E-waste, as the world’s fastest-growing waste stream, has to be dealt with immediately. It’s time we stop burying our precious metals in landfills and learn to circulate materials used for the million new devices leaving shops every day”, stresses director and co-owner of Total Green Recycling, Michael Coghill.
“We believe kids are the future. Witnessing the recent developments in climate change and activities brought on by kids, we’re certain young people of today are ready to make a change. It’s just a matter of providing the information and pointing their attention to it. “
First three workshops have already been delivered by the facilitator Shelley Foster from Foster Transition. With Rossmoyne Senior High School, St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School and St Norbert College taking the lead. TGR decided to focus their efforts on high school students who are most likely to own electronic devices such as mobile phones and are on the verge of choosing their professional path.
Last week, TGR teamed up with the City of Canning and St Norbert College’s Climate Canons group of students to trial a first community collection event. Climate Canons is a group of forty (40) volunteer students at St Norbert College driving change at school to better the environment.
Parents will have a chance to drop off their unwanted electronics when dropping off their kids during the week leading up to the collection event. Due to the latest development with COVID-19 the community-friendly event has now been postponed until further notice while a collection during the week will still go ahead.
Total Green will then endeavour to refurbish and repurpose collected assets and will recycle the remainder that can no longer be used.
“This is our first event of this kind involving a school and with kids being the main drivers. If this concept proves viable, we could roll out school e-workshops coupled with collection events across WA“, says director and co-owner James Coghill.
On top of all that, TGR is offering the Workplace learning program as part of their business model.
“We believe kids have to be taught to think differently in order to make the shift from the linear economy toward circular before it’s too late,” says Michael.
For anyone interested in learning more, Total Green is one of the few e-waste recycling facilities in the world offering physical tours.
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About Total Green Recycling
Total Green Recycling is a Western Australian family business dedicated to finding the best and most sustainable recycling solutions for the 90+ materials that can be recovered through its process. To learn more about Total Green Recycling’s campaign to end e-waste and to sign the petition, visit
Media contact:
Sharka Hornakova
0422 755 816
Media Release: New e-waste education for WA schools (PDF, 102 KB)
Images to download: TGR e-waste workshop Climate Canons by InigoPhotography