TGR in 2019 – Looking back

The year 2019 has marked another significant milestone in the company’s history. We won our first grant and moved our facility for the seventh time. The minister for environment Stephen Dawson came to visit and we bought an exciting new optical sorter.

In December 2018 we successfully renewed our accreditations ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 5377:2013 once again.

January 2019

At the beginning of the new year, we shoot a video with our director James who explains the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.

We decide to start publishing our first-ever monthly recycling statistics showing how much material we recycled, what type of items and the TOP recycling WA councils and companies for that month.


Minister for environment visits our e-waste recycling facility and we launch our petition to Ban e-waste from WA landfills. (Learn why we need to ban e-waste from landfill now.)

From left: Cassie Rowe MLA Member for Belmont, Michael Coghill, Minister for Environment; Disability Services; Electoral Affairs HON Stephen, Dawson MLC, James Coghill

TGR joins the CitySwitch Green Office program – Australia’s flagship sustainability program for business – to work towards a carbon positive future. You can learn What is CitySwitch and why you should join too on our blog.

We commence a second Workplace Learning Program with St Norbert college taking four students through a 12-week e-waste recycling learning curve.

We are accepted into Hancock Creative’s Gain & Retain social media program to help us keep up with the latest on Socials.


We meet with representatives of The Greens, Tim Clifford and Liberals, Zak Kirkup MP & Steve Thomas to discuss what can be done to improve e-waste recycling conditions in WA.

Through a personal story of our directors, we tell you Why TGR has been supporting ISP program in Uganda.

Our directors attend electronic scrap and battery recycling symposium as TGR is an associate participant of the Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre (FBICRC).


We produce a video to show you What does e-waste recycling process in Perth look like in cooperation with the City of Stirling.

We apply for a grant from the WA Waste Authority to extend our recycling abilities and to educate the WA public about e-waste. Fingers crossed!

Shire of Collie started recycling e-waste with us.


We hold our first ever Press Conference to officially announce our campaign to Ban E-waste from WA landfills. It was a great success with several councils showing their support and ABC News came along.

James & Michael at our first-ever Press Conference.

Our team has a first discovery meeting with Andy and Dylan from Holonic marking our official journey to create a real circular economy here in Perth.


Our director James makes an appearance on the ABC Radio talking all things e-waste and circular economy.

We are super stoked to receive our first-ever grant from the WA Waste Authority. Twenty-eight projects across the State will share the funding of $2.29 million – to improve waste management and increase recycling across WA. Total Green Recycling gets awarded two projects – first to educate the WA public about e-waste recycling, a second one to purchase equipment to enhance our removal of contaminates from plastic streams using optical sorting and screening technologies.

We officially call out to schools to join our new Workplace learning program which provides students with an opportunity to gain practical work experience in recycling.

We devise a process for upgrading our lowgrade circuit boars allowing us to recover the aluminium and ferrous components on the board before sending to Mitsubishi smelter in Japan.

We are gobsmacked to find out we may have to move. Again.


Our directors James & Peter fly over to China to find us a new optical sorter plant.

The Department of Finance asks us to refurbish and donate 60 desktop computers to local charities through our IT Asset Management services.

The Victorian government implements a ban on e-waste going to landfill.

We continue looking for the right place to move into.


We take on board our first-ever intern from Murdoch University to help us with marketing and digital communications. Kudos to Ethan Gosseling for being of great help and amazing first intern.

Our e-waste recycling facility in Kewdale is vacated and we start the move into our new better and bigger space in Welshpool.

That feeling you get when you get the keys to your next new place!


Our Coms Manager delivers our first educational video Where to recycle your e-waste powered by WA Waste Authority grant.

We attend the Waste and recycle conference with like-minded waste warriors from the local community in Perth and WA. Michael presents The Future of E-waste Recycling in Australia.

Michael & James Coghill enjoying a little break

We hold the first tour of our facility powered by WA Waste Authority grant.


Company Director Magazine publishes a story about our Junk Bonds directors.

‘Junk Bonds’

Our director James flies to Melbourne to speak on the panel “A roadmap for improving Australia’s e-waste management system“.

Our video production team releases another video explaining what e-waste stands for.

Our IT Asset Management moves into our new secure facility in Canning Vale to accommodate the growth our this expanding part of the business.


Our very popular education video about Why you shouldn’t put e-waste into your yellow recycling bin is released.

Our first ever radio ad goes to air (powered by the WA Waste Authority grant) encouraging people to recycle their electronics properly.


We award the City of Stirling as our number one e-waste recycling council in WA.

Michael with Chris from C3 Church Rockingham.

Another educational video is released to teach you How to recycle your laptop and computer for free.

TGR donates 63 computers to charity organisations such as Hello Initiative, GIVIT, Fibro us and C3 Church Rockingham.

The most anticipated video showing in details What does the process of recycling e-waste look like goes live. Our new optical sorter which has just been put into productions gets featured in it.

We commence a new employment program at Asset Management providing jobs for six people in partnership with Maxima. We also employe another person through the Autism Association of WA who is now helping us keep our second facility spotless on a part-time basis.

A third Workplace Learning Program with St Norbert college kicks off with further four students who learn all things e-waste.

On 14th of December, we gather for our annual Christmas party at the Walter Point embracing one of the hottest days in Perth with temperatures reaching 45 degrees.

TGR Christmas party 2019.

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