Containers for change have recently celebrated a massive win. Having reached 1.5 billion containers recycled since its inception 20 months ago.
While the scheme was getting off the ground, one of the obstacles for recycling these containers, was ‘what do we do with the lids?’.
Beverage container lids are too small to go through the plastic recycling plants that are responsible for recycling the 1.5 billion containers that West Australians have diverted from landfill. Total Green Recycling may be electronic recyclers but we do have a plant that is capable of sorting different waste streams. We jumped on board and have since helped divert 113 tonnes of plastic lids from landfill. By our calculations that works out to be about 22 million lids. Total Green Recycling’s plant is able to sort the aluminium, steel bottle caps and plastic lids into separate streams. The remaining plastic lids are then sent onto Claw Environmental for recycling.
It goes to show that when West Australians are given the option of recycling, even if it requires extra effort on their part, they want to do it. Product Stewardship Schemes are an incredibly important part of moving into a more circular world.
Keep it up everyone.