In August we recycled 26,790 electronic items. Our recycling numbers are lower for the month of August and September due to our move to a new recycling facility.
Top 10 performing councils in WA
Congratulations to our TOP e-waste recycling champions in August 2019!
1) City of Stirling = 51.6 T
2) Bunbury Harvey Regional Council = 10.3 T
3) Mindarie Regional Council = 8.5 T
4) Shire of Mundaring = 5.6 R
5) Shire of Kalamunda = 5.3 T
6) Shire of Kalgoorlie = 5.2 T
7) City of Swan = 3.3 T
8) City of Albany = 2.9 T
9) City of Bayswater = 2.7 T
10) City of Canning = 2.5 T
Top 10 performing companies in WA
1) Canon = 4.7 T
2) Curtin University = 1.8 T
3) Officeworks East Perth = 1.0 T
4) Wanneroo Community Men’s Shed = 0.8 T
5) Officeworks O’Connor = 0.7 T
6) Officeworks Morley = 0.6 T
7) Officeworks Mandurah = 0.6 T
8) Silver Chain = 0.6 T
9) LG Electronics = 0.6 T
10) WA Police = 0.4
Materials recovered from e-waste
Overall in August, we recovered 142,029 Kg of materials.
Top 10 items recycled
In August we recycled a total of 26,790 items.
Top items refurbished and repurposed
In August we refurbished 956 items. Our recovery rate for desktop computers was 75.44% meaning that out of 452 PCs we received we were able to refurbish and re-purpose 341 of them.