Total Green donates computers to Conservation Council

Total Green Recycling is best known for its e-waste recycling division. However we also refurbish and re-home thousands of working computers a year at our Asset Recovery division. Our favourite part of the job is when we can donate ICT equipment to charitable organisations who are making the world a better place. Last week we delivered two desktop computers to the Conservation Council of WA (CCWA).

Michael, one of our founders, might look a little different here in his cycling gear rather than a business suit. He was really living TGR’s values of sustainability by riding his bike into the city to hand these computers over to Paul Goonting; the Finance & Operations Manager of CCWA. (Don’t worry the computers were delivered separately and no computers were rained on in the creation of this post).

The Conservation Council of WA have been a prominent voice for conservation for more than 50 years working directly with the government, media, industry, community groups, and political parties to promote a more sustainable WA and to protect our natural environment. 

These computers will be delivered to one of CCWA’s members, the WA Forest Alliance (WAFA). WAFA is a worthy organisation whose passion for forest conservation helped lead to the 2024 native logging ban. 

Total Green Recycling’s founders grew up out of the city surrounded by the Australian native bush. Protecting the natural environment has always been a driving force behind our company. So it brings us great pleasure when we get to help out organisations whose values align with ours in whatever capacity we can. 

To find out more about how Asset Recovery works, and why it’s an integral part of the Circular economy head to: Asset Recovery: What is it and why is it important?