Why we started TGR IT Asset Recovery business operations

Most people know us as the largest e-waste recycler in Western Australia.
But TGR not only recycles electronics. We also test and refurbish IT equipment for reuse. So today our director is going to answer the question: Why did TGR started IT Asset Recovery business operations and when?

Michael Coghill – co-founder and director of Total Green Recycling – says, “In 2011 we started our asset recovery business operation to complement our existing e-waste recycling company.

“We were receiving a lot of computers that turned out they were still working. It didn’t make sense to pull these apart and recycle them for gold or precious metals and steel and plastic and other materials. So we started to actually test and repair, wiping hard drives and really rebuilding computers.”

Reusing 1 ton of electronics can offset approximately 125 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions!

Reusing electronics is good for the environment

And turns out that reusing computers can be significantly better for the environment than recycling computers.

E-waste fact quote

Reusing 1 ton of electronics can offset approximately 125 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions, compared with recycling, it’s actually only around 5 tonnes.

So that’s 25 times better for the environment if we reuse our devices before we recycle them!

We can still recycle them. But we might as well REUSE them BEFORE we recycle them.


You can learn what we do with some of our refurbished equipment in our latest Media release Refurbished mobile phones donations helping WA youth exit the criminal justice system.

As always, let us know any questions in the comments.

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